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Celtic 25 Mar 0 1729
La Rioja Alta, based in Haro, the heart of Rioja, was founded in 1890 and has grown to become one of the key wineries in the Rioja region. The winery was founded by five families from the Basque and Rioja region, under the name Sociedad Vinícola de L..
Celtic 24 Mar 0 838
Liqueurs are a staple in the cocktail world and a key ingredient in many of our favourite cocktails. They are extremely versatile and can be used in mixed drinks, served neat, over ice, with coffee or mixed with other non-alcoholic beverages such as ..
Celtic 15 Mar 0 811
St. Patrick's Day is one of the biggest days on the Irish calendar. The celebration is a tradition for many of us, whether we have a drop of Irish blood or not. If you're joining in the fun, you will definitely need a few great drinks for the occasio..
Celtic 03 Mar 0 1303
Oscar Wilde once described absinthe as "A glass of absinthe is as poetical as anything in the world. What difference is there between a glass of absinthe and a sunset?" Absinthe is one of those mystified and sometimes misunderstood spirits, which man..
Celtic 14 Jan 0 859
Whiskey might conjure up images of smokiness, a strong burning texture, and powerful, almost aggressive flavours. But whisk(e)y is far more than just that! Whiskey can be sipped neat, in a Manhattan, a whiskey sour, in a long drink—there are plenty o..
Celtic 04 Jan 0 762
With one of the most collectively stressful years firmly behind us, there is much to look forward to in the coming months. Although government guidelines have been hitherto about as clear as a pint of Guinness, with recent developments and successes ..
Showing 49 to 54 of 56 (10 Pages)